Ribabellosa, Alava, 1956 established photographer and painter, realist style. Digitally manipulated photography used to create textures, lighting, etc. AWARDS 2006-Mention of honor Liteco, International Liteco, Argentina. 2006 - Award Artexpresin visual images. Competition at the Bar of San Isidro, BsAs, Agentina. 2006-Mention of honor I-GUIDES photography prize 2006-ZARAGOZA 2007 - Mention of Honor Liteco International, International Visual Arts exhibition Casal de Catalunya in Buenos Aires 2007-Award of Honor, exhibition n International Visual Arts, Arts in the palace, Maecenas Foundation, Buenos Aires LAST EXHIBITIONS 1998-Galera Cornin, 1998-room Gijn Culture, Bocairent (Valencia) 1999-Sala de Arte Caja de Burgos, Miranda de Ebro (Burgos) 1999-Col.legi 'Aparelladors Tcnics Delegacid'Osona i Architects, Vic (Barcelona) 2000-Galera Gadda, Zaragoza 2005-Galera Pequeo Format, Valencia. 2006 - Galeriazero, Barcelona 2006 - Area guides, Zaragoza 2006 - Galera Soledad Arroyo, Toledo LATEST EXHIBITIONS 1996 - "Painting Poetry" Instituto Cervantes. Bucarest (Romania), Athens (Greece), Npoles (Italy) , Rome (Italy), Milan (Italy), Utrecht (Netherlands) 1997-Galera Cornin, Gijn 1997 - "La Mirada in the Water." Barjola Museum, 1998-GA Gijon (Asturias Group). Acoustic visual intervention: "Art transmatrico" Caja de Asturias, "Okupacin the museum," Museum Barjola, Gijn. 2006-Art in Buenos Aires, Theo art gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006-Art Expo Miami 2006, Ibero American International Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA. 2006-VIII International Symposium salny digital art. 2007-Liteco CUBA International, International Visual Arts exhibition Casal de Catalunya-Argentina in Buenos Aires.Es 2007-Exhibition International Visual Arts, Art in the palace, Maecenas Foundation, Buenos Aires Argentina. Artexpo New York 2007-2997 (Florida Artexpresiny Sysps Galley Galley) 2007-7 painters Lorena Pilar IES, IES Lorengar Pilar, Zaragoza Spain. 2007 - Angle Abstract Gallery, Shanghai, China GUASA photographic PUBLISHED - Gua historical-artistic Gijn the CIS (former Technical College), editions Jcar, 1993 (Text Jes July Zatny Csar lvarez s) - Gijn, collection independent traveler, edits Jcar, 1994 - Cantabria, collection independent traveler, edits Jcar, 1994 - Asturias, COLLECTION No image, the independent traveler Jcar editions, 1995 - Asturias-Oviedo council to council-Royal Institute of Asturian Studies, 1995 - Aragon, image collection, the independent traveler Jcar editions, 1996 - La Rioja, image collection, the independent traveler Jcar editions, 1997 - Toledo, image collection, the traveler separate editions Jucar, 1997 - Asturias council to council-Cabrales, Peamellera high, low Peamellera, Royal Institute of Asturian Studies, 1998 - Asturias council to council-Cangas de Ons, Onis, Royal Institute of Asturian Studies , 0viedo, 2000